Thursday, December 8, 2016

Divorce & Remarriage

In class we discussed the affects of divorce and remarriage and how this can affect the family system and why. People have the misconception that 50% of marriages end in divorce, when the static is actually that all remarriages have 50% chance of ending in divorce. Why is that? My parents are not divorced however my dad is remarried and looking at their relationship and the struggles they experienced at the beginning of marriage are evident, especially when children are involved. My dad's first wife passed away, however the family system still changed significantly when my dad remarried to my mum. When they were married my mother had to step in as the role of wife and mother instantly and so the relationship between her and the two children was rocky at first in trying to figure out everyone's new role within the family. Though difficult it can be done, with a lot of patience and love and the mentality of always working to become a stronger family unit. We often only hear of how hard a divorce is from the parents themselves, however it has a significant impact on the children as well. Children often take on the point of view that if their parents get divorced it is somehow their fault, and they also perceive it more negatively when the divorced parents get along even after divorce. In knowing the family system and understanding that different roles of each individual we can better understand the impact divorce and remarriage can have.

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