Friday, September 23, 2016

About Me

Hi! I'm Jessica! I am from Canada, but I am currently attending Brigham Young University-Idaho as a Sophomore. I love going to school and living in Idaho and am grateful for the experience to be here and to learn! My major is Child Development and with such I have the opportunity to also study the family. I am currently taking a Family Relations class and am using the opportunity to make posts on my blog to explore and also tell people the importance of family and how the family plays a role in individuals lives and also how the family structure affects the world. Personally I grew up in a large family as shown above and I love them to death! I am the third of 6 children with an older brother and sister and two younger brothers and a younger sister. My older sister is married and has two children of her own, and my nephews are the cutest boys in the world! In addition to having a large immediate family I also have a large extended family. Family has always played a huge role in my life and I am grateful for having the huge support of loved ones around me. I am grateful for my family and for the family structure and the important role it has played in my life. My family is far from perfect, but I wouldn't have it any other way :)

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