Thursday, November 10, 2016

Family Crisis

The definition of crisis is: a time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger; a time when a difficult or important decision must be made. I really like the second definition of when a difficulty arises, and important decision must be made and I think that really describes family crisis, and it can determine how a family can recover from a crisis and will either work through the difficulty and prosper or not. In class we discussed the ABCX model with family crisis created by Reuben Hill.
    Actual event
+  Both resources & responses
    Cognitions (how we define the event; understanding)
Multiple families can experience the same or similar crisis, however the experience from it can be completely different for each family, and it is because of the different resources we use, how we respond to the event and how we define the difficulty for ourselves. We may see crises as being the end and having that attitude that there is no hope and wondering why this trial or difficulty had to happen to your family. I know from my own experiences that everything happens for a reason and there is always a purpose for everything. Through trials and crises of my own, it does not just affect myself individually but it also affected my family and as a family unit we had to work through it together. My family has grown closer because we have used the resources available to us and based on our resources we could better understand the situation and it allowed us to work through and cope.

Has anyone heard of a coping saw? I hadn't either but a coping saw is used for crown moulding instalment. When two walls come together they are at a 45 degree angle and do not fully connect or merge with each other and can end up cracking. A coping saw allows for fit crown moulding, and when under pressure will actually bring it closer together and bind it. This is relevant to coping after a trial occurs within a family. When we cope properly, the end result is to bring the family unit and individuals closer together and form a greater bond with one another.

Every family will experience a crisis at one time or another and may even experience more than one trial and it may seem like the end of the world and feel like your support system is being shaken, however if we can use the resources and tools around us to help make sense of our situation we can have a better outcome and have an amazing experience as a result. A family unit needs to be strong and stable, and that can only be accomplished if every individual does their part and contributes to supporting others.

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