Saturday, November 5, 2016

Intimacy in a Relationship

This week's discussion was very insightful if not awkward at times. This week we discussed sexuality, and the importance of intimacy in a marriage. We discussed how social media can become an evil within a marriage, and if not approached with caution and transparency with each other, can result in marital problems as severe as infidelity. Open communication and honesty are extremely important to a relationship, and especially marriage. Communication especially with your spouse, and seeking them to confide in and tell them their thoughts and feelings. Often times we tend to turn to someone outside of our marriage, such as a family member or friend, and we tell them things that are happening within the marriage. Doing this can cause difficulties. I have a very close relationship with my mother and I can not imagine not telling her things are stressing me out in my life and not seeking her advice on the situation. It was surprising for me to find out to keep your family or friends out of those situations, even little things that occur. By keeping those issues, disagreements or whatever it may be, to keep it between you and your spouse and not to get others involved. What happens when this happens is that your family or friends only remember the difficulties that you are experiencing within your marriage and they don't get to hear how the couple worked through it. When they remember these things it warps their perception of that person and can create tension within a marriage. A marriage should be a safe place for both husband and wife to safe and that their personal problems stay between them and are not divulged to others, especially family members. That trust in a relationship is crucial and allows for more open communication and trusting to know that they can talk freely with one another and it not leaving their relationship. Communication, trust and honesty are essential to a relationship and crucial to a marriage, without these things a couple can not thrive and create a healthy relationship.

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